The story goes as follows...a scientist is thought to be mad when he claims to have seen prehistoric creatures on a remote island. He charters an expedition to the island in hopes of proving his detractors wrong. It isn't long before the troupe of fortuitous strangers stumble upon dinosaurs. We get to see a Brontosaurus, an Allosaurus (a smaller T-Rex), a Pterodactyl, a family of Triceratops, and other "terrible beasts" in action. I loved every second that the dinos were on screen. The film takes awhile to collect steam, but once shit hits the saber-toothed tiger, hold onto your fun parts!
The acting is quite capable, and while I didn't care about any of the characters, I dug the impassioned Professor Challenger. Everything about him is cool, from his frazzled hair to his penchant for brawling. The love angle didn't sit well with my stomach, but that's a trivial complaint. This is grade-A meat. A must-see for stop-motion devotees.
Ive never even thought to check this one out but if the stop motion is as good as you say it is you KNOW im all in =D