
Blood Capsule #111


I don't usually follow movie reviews with more movie reviews, but I caught an unearthly peregrination (sorry, I just got back from a spelling bee) into vampire lore that bonked my fancy.  We're in Hammer territory.  As a rule, things don't veer off into squalor here, so I know that I'm in capable hands.  Surprisingly, I had not seen this Peter Cushing vehicle, a fanged film about identical twin sisters who go to stay with their zealous uncle.  That would be Cushing, and he has taken it upon himself to cleanse his principality of witches.  It's a Salem situation, but this isn't the typical horror spiel where dozens of pretty peasants are burned at the stake.

Okay, that does happen, but Twins of Evil's nerve center is drained by vampires.  They even have a suitable Count.  And no Lee in sight!  This v-movie (admit it; that was brilliant) works because it's powered and propelled by its plot.  An absorbing story supports the fun embroidery that we love.  Boobs, impressive gore, and a killer atmosphere all make an appearance, but without substance, you're left with frills.  I mean, you would still get boobs.  Courtesy of the Collinson sisters.  Their Playboy pictures may or may not be a Google search away, not that...you've already left, haven't you?


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