
Rassle Inn #28

I don't know, man.  I may end up deleting all of this shit and going to bed.  I had a dentist appointment this morning and it took a lot out of me.  I'm not mining for pity, but fuck.  Dentists are evil.  It wasn't that painful or anything.  It was just the fuck of it all.  They (well, she) "operated" on me for close to an hour.  It was scheduled as a deep clean, which means I didn't have any cavities...in my youth.  Actually, it was the pandemic that caused me to miss my dental appointments for too long.

Teeth are stupid.  Should I say something about WrestleMania?  I will be watching.  I swear to fuck (sorry, my decommissioned mental state doesn't allow for witty, inventive writing), Vinnie Mac has no clue how to book Raw in 2022.  Let's look at the two biggest matches, shall we?  Kevin Owens vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin...holy shit, right?  I know, I know; it's pitched as an episode of The K.O. Show, but I have a feeling that we'll get a match out of this segment.  And the build-up!  It's an angle that writes itself.  Man, imagine the promo battles.  Wait--there were none.

Austin delivers a single promo via tape, and that's supposed to be...what the fuck is that supposed to be?  He didn't appear live on Raw once.  Fuck!  The other big deal?  Seth Rollins vs...yeah.  It's probably Cody Rhodes, but here again, where are the promo battles?  Where is the build?  WHERE???  When I said "imagine the promo battles," I was telling you to imagine the promo battles because that is where they reside - in the imagination.

Hey, how you doin'?  Dom here.  My dentist appointment was yesterday.  That's when I put pen to paper, and that's when I eventually stopped writing to retire to my bedchamber.  I can now stew with a clear head (the rest helped).  I'm equally unzipped and blunderstruck in relation to Vince's non-booking.  This used to be an elevated time of year for WWE Creative, a span of however many weeks that called for easy, simple booking to lift and dignify the biggest names in professional wrestling.  It would start with Royal Rumble (my favorite PPV, coincidentally) and it would end the night after WrestleMania.

Well, WrestleMania is now held on two nights.  The main events are not built properly (Brock/Roman notwithstanding).  The NXT special used to be the sleeper hit of the weekend, but the rainbow brand is no longer a foregone conclusion.  The celebrity contingent buzzes in to put itself over.  And they wonder why it's so hard to build stars.  Celebs used to put wrestlers over at 'Mania.  The McMahon empire has admitted defeat in conceding that the current roster is stacked with nobodies.  But yes, I will be watching.

I can't believe that I didn't drop one reference to Dr. Isaac Yankem.  I'm slipping!

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