
Japan, ladies and gentlemen...

What do we have here?  Good question.  I was going to call this a Geek Out, but it's more of a Match That Time Forgot.  I'm saying "fuck it."  This belongs in a miscellaneous folder.  W*ING was a Japanese wrestling promotion that lasted from 1991 to 1994 (not counting one-off reunion shows).  It was shepherded by FMW defects.  If you don't know the score, FMW was a hardcore promotion that popularized "death matches," especially contests that snarled up barbed wire and explosions.  Anywho, W*ING was goddamn daffy.  Their roster interpolated the talents of...wait, this needs a new paragraph.

Ahem!  Freddy Krueger, The Crypt Keeper, Boogie Man (Eddie Gilbert in a Michael Myers costume), Leatherface, Jason the Terrible (a guy in a hockey mask), Kamala, The Moondogs, Wahoo McDaniel (!?), Goliath el Gigante (fucking Kurrgan), and of course, a host of Japanese wrestlers.  It was madness.  The match I cherry-picked for your viewing pleasure represents a scant share of said madness.  It's a three-way fight between Boogie, Jason and Grave Digger.  Research has told me nothing about this Grave Digger fellow.  I can only shrug my shoulders.

W*ING should have been called W*TF.  Case in point, there is a post-match run-in made by ECW's Sandman and The Pitbulls.  What?  The?  Fuck?

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