

Behemoth's frontman, Nergal, was diagnosed with leukemia several months back. The news came as a shock to the metal community. If you're familiar with Nergal's larger-than-life personality, then you know that he seems indestructible. The man is a fucking force of nature. Unsurprisingly, his bellicose attitude did not waver in the face of grave adversity. Could it be that the mouthpiece for Poland's most brutal, apocalyptic death metal band was, dare I say it, inspirational? I'd say so. NOTE: The search for a bone marrow donor ended just recently, as Nergal's doctors found a match. Hopefully, he makes a swift recovery.

This optimistic, overpowering frame of mind emanates from both discs in Evangelia Heretika, a 2-DVD set that sports live footage and telling documentaries that highlight the fierce, unflappable resolve of Behemoth. As a huge fan of this mighty band, I cherished every second of these DVD's. Disc One features two full concerts, a show in Warsaw and a show in Paris. The Warsaw show is the centerpiece of Evangelia Heretika. The sound is perfect, the production values are top-notch, and the setlist hits all of the right spots.

The Paris show is solid, but if you want fancy graphics, a zillion camera angles, and more music to enjoy, the Warsaw show is the way to go. My only complaint is that Nergal's in-between-song chatter isn't subtitled (he speaks English at the Paris show). The documentaries are subtitled, so I don't know why they couldn't translate the anti-Christian rhetoric that Nergal spews from the stage. Speaking of the documentaries, there are two to choose from. One chronicles the travails of life on the road, while the other is more of an all-purpose Behemoth doc. Think Behind the Music, only cooler. Both featurettes are insightful and highly entertaining.

An audio CD of the Warsaw show is also included. If you're not a Behemoth fan, then Evangelia Heretika is just your average metal DVD. If you're like me, then it's a badass addition to the band's catalogue. This will tide me over until Nergal conquers his illness and returns to kick ass alongside Seth, Orion and Inferno. Christians to the lions!

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