
Blood Capsule #145


Without trying, I have gone over a week without watching a movie.  I haven't even thought about the cinema, but that's nothing new.  I've experienced similar dry spells before, some stretching for weeks on end.  I can, however, safely say that none of these barren periods were interrupted by a b-circus as bonnily berserk as Frostbiter (or Wendigo if we are to comply with the opening credits).  How is it possible that I had never heard of this doolally fruitcake?  First of all, 1995 is my favorite year, at least where pop culture is concerned.  But that's not germane information.  Here is what you need to know...I'll give you a second to grab a scribbling pad and your finest Yikes pencil.

A party of plastered hunters disturb the sacred sepulcher that quarters the Wendigo, a hollow-horned beast of urban myth that doesn't take kindly to wake-up calls.  Throughout the picture, our monster takes several different forms.  We see a quasi-Pterodactyl, a cobwebby crone hag, and a chili demon (sic) to name but a few.  The special effects are a blast.  You know you're in z-grade jurisdiction, but the low budget never takes you out of the moment.  Today, Frostbiter would be shot on sterile digital "stock."  Its release date guarantees something that newfangled technology simply cannot replicate - film grain!  Oh, how I love warm, ill-defined film grain.

Recommended for fans of Winterbeast and Spookies.  In other words, Frostbiter: Wrath of the Wendigo is kinda/sorta magical.

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