
Blood Capsule #154


There's a reason why I don't fall for romantic comedies.  Aside from the obvious, I find that most of them don't adhere to reality.  When the horror genre is adulterated with rom-com sensibilities, the end result isn't much different.  Case in point, My Demon Lover.  We're supposed to believe that a stupidly cute pushover of a gal (Denny - I always forget to include their names) is smitten with a street musician whose "game" is about as subtle as a chisel-peen hammer to the prairie oysters.  Y'know, the knackers.  The gonads!  If this flick were being honest, our leading creep would be slapped with a restraining order so fast, the tape would rewind itself.  But no, Denny is inexplicably enamored by the slovenly Kaz.  His scruffy looks are only one point against him.  Another?

Well, he turns into a literal demon when he is sexually aroused.  I'm talking horns and everything.  You'd think that would be presented as the core conflict, but the script interjects with an opposing demon.  If that sounds remarkably preposterous, that's because...yeah.  Hey, I love wacky stuff from the 80's, but this doesn't fit the bill.  On the glowing side of the spectrum, things move at an industrious clip, and I did appreciate the make-up effects.  Shout Factory is slated to release My Demon Lover on Blu-ray this September.  My birthday is in September.  How about that?  If you care about me at all, you'll pay the suggested retail price to keep it on a shelf in a warehouse.  Or flowers.  You could buy me flowers.

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