
Blood Capsule #158


Way to go, Paul.  That's right.  I'm naming you!  You deserve to be tarred and feathered in public for giving me this...this unseemly case of vaginal yeast.  Why am I defrocking this Paul character, and what is the recommended treatment for vaginal yeast?  First of all, I'll need a pelvic exam.  Then I'll have to test my vaginal secretions.  And finally, Paul is the >insert profane noun here< who "gifted" me a copy of NightScream, a made-for-Lifetime (I'm assuming) domestic thriller of sorts that finds Candace Cameron at the center of a convoluted murder mystery.  You see, her doppelganger was brutally dispatched, and her boyfriend may have been involved.  Or killed.  It's not altogether clear.  Nothing is altogether clear.

I take that back.  NightScream establishes one truism.  If you have a penis, you are either a criminal or a corrupt official of some distinction.  Casper Van Dien collects a paycheck as a seedy suitor.  Teri Garr plays a woman who doesn't react to learning that her husband is the town heavy, a veritable monster covering for his rapist son.  Oh, spoiler warning.  This film, much like arsenic, is not meant for human consumption.  A quick trip to IMDb tells me everything I need to know about director Noel Nosseck.  He specializes in made-for-TV scrapings.  Just forget that you ever knew about NightScream.  It's muck.  Swill.  Bottom of the barrel.  I think I've made my point.

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