
Rassle Inn #43

I don't write this column until I have something to write about.  Today, I have three things to write about.  Well, two and a half.  Let's get started, shall we?

~  We interrupt your regularly scheduled bullet point to celebrate a new champion.  That's right, folks.  My precious Io is now holding the title belt over on the blue brand.  The only downside is that we were robbed of the chance to see Io and Asuka square off against one another because of the transitory nature of the Money in the Bank briefcase.  I'm hoping we still get that match down the road.  Man, all of the tumult roiling in AEW's women's division has taken some of the limelight from our new champ (at least online), and it's not fair.  I've been calling for this canonization ever since Io stepped foot on American soil.  She deserves all of the accolades.  In general.  Just all of them.

~ I recommend checking out the Cody Rhodes documentary that is currently streaming on Peacock.  He has an incredible story to tell, and while a certain son-in-law sees to it that AEW is presented as a "secondary" promotion, the film does well to cover Cody's entire journey from all angles.  For example, I'm surprised that the Young Bucks showed up as many times as they did.  So yeah, watch it, but be forewarned that it pushes the narrative that attempts to smooth over Cody's Wrestlemania loss as merely one page in a book.  Ha!  I hope future documentaries are a little more honest when it comes to booking decisions, namely that booking decision.  If that was just one page in a book, why would anyone want to read it?  But I digress.

~ I recently re-upped my Peacock subscription.  I'm glad I did, as WWE decided to upload their Coliseum Home Video library.  Rad.  I was soaking up WWF Bashed in the USA when it occurred to me that heels don't act like heels anymore.  A match between Razor Ramon and the Big Bossman started with a few minutes of stalling, which garnered major heat.  When was the last time a heel stalled on Monday Night Raw?  It's a trick so simple, but it's effective.  I mean, imagine if I was just now getting to the point.  Maybe I am.  Huh, I never realized that I was a natural heel.  Your hometown sucks, by the way.

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