
Random Contest

HEY! Would you like to win a few random horror films? No problem! Send me the most random e-mail on Earth, and you'll be the (un)lucky winner of 3 randomly chosen horror titles on VHS and/or DVD! I'll pick what I deem to be the most random e-mail of the lot. Put on your anti-thinking cap. It can be anything...a link, an image, a joke, a recipe...go nuts! Here's how to enter:

Send your random e-mail to countchocula0000@yahoo.com with the heading of "RANDOM CONTEST." North American residents only! Contest ends December 25.

Fine Print: Don't expect a-movies. ;)


  1. shame I don't live closer to participate

  2. I sent an introductory e-mail to you since I'm a new follower. I will send a Random E-Mail momentarily.

  3. Oh dude you KNOW im in on this, thanks for the great contest Dom!
