
"Death runs in my family."

Didn't I just write one of these for Daffney?  I had a tremendous amount of respect for her, but I'll admit that she wasn't my favorite female wrestler on the planet.  For my money, Norm MacDonald held the top spot in his field.  I don't cover comedy on this site.  It can be a boring topic to skewer as a "critic."  I don't even like most comedies (TV or film), but in my opinion, Norm was the funniest motherfucker alive.  His voice was one of true rebellion, true "edginess" in a trade constantly on the butcher block for offending someone.  Why?  Because he didn't give a shit about being cool.

He was a Christian conservative, though you wouldn't guess it from sampling his stand-up routine.  Simply put, he saw the world in a unique way; his way.  If I learned that there was a new Norm special on Netflix or any of the other umpteen streaming services, it was Christmas morning in my head.  Sure enough, it would be hysterical.  I can't single out a bit or a line from his days on Saturday Night Live.  I can't single out an interview from his short-lived podcast, nor can I single out a chapter from his part-fictional autobiography.  Norm pervaded every medium with his dry-as-kindling, distinctly Canadian sense of humor.  He had more funny to share with us, goddamn it.

Over the next few days, I'm going to revisit his mind.  The book, the movies, the skits...I advise you to do the same.

Rest in peace, Norm.

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