

Just a quick blog update. I'm seeing more and more hits every day. In addition, I keep seeing more and more followers. A big THANK YOU is in order for reading my randomnesss. Also, I want to thank my fellow bloggers for helping plug the site and giving me all sorts of tasty compliments.

There's something I've been wanting to address. It's probably not a big deal to anyone, but you've had to settle for a lot of mini-reviews lately. A hefty batch, in fact. That's for two reasons. One is time, obviously. The other is my writing style. I've always been able to say a lot with very few words. Personally, I'm not a fan of long-winded reviews, and I almost never read them myself. I just didn't want anyone to think I was a slacker. I know that some people prefer shorter movie/music reviews, so hopefully, it's not an issue for too many folks. I think I'm the only one who frets over it.

Anyway, thanks again for the support. I'm brainstorming another contest, so watch out for that. Cool stuff could be coming your way!

Random VHS cover alert!


  1. First off, I JUST considered watching THE BONE YARD tonight, random. B. I dont read long reviews. Ever. Your minireviews give me hope. Hope and happiness. Would you take that away from me? Keep up the good (and short) work my friend =D

  2. I remember hating this movie but I remember loving the cover in the video store :)
