
Parts Unknown #68: Raw

This edition of Parts Unknown will be shorter than usual, as last night's episode of Raw was rather one-dimensional. We got matches, more matches and an ending that came out of nowhere.


~ The wrestling. Admittedly, I was put off by the lack of storyline progression (the midcard is going to be invisible for a couple of weeks), but it's hard to complain about a show replete with well-oiled matches. Miz/Riley was decent. Mikey sold his leg injury to perfection (probably because it still hurt like a motherfucker). I'm glad that he made it to the finals. Oddly enough, Truth/Swagger was my favorite match of the night. Pitting two heels against one another is always risky, but it worked. The All-American American needs to be repackaged, though. Kingston/Del Rio was electric. Mysterio/Ziggler was as smooth as you would expect it to be. Miz/Kingston and Truth/Mysterio were both sound contests. Hey, I guess that wrestling matters after all.

~ Forget the maudlin acting. Forget the plot holes. Forget Vince's pink suit (which was amazing, by the way). The closing segment packed an emotional wallop. Script or no script, Vince might actually be stepping down. Those tears were real. WWE has been unpredictable as of late, and I hope the trend continues next week.


~ The Diva tag match. That time could have been allotted for a Zack Ryder promo.

What the hell is ICO PRO anyway?

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