
Blood Capsule #212

DEMONIA (1990)

There is a scene in Demonia where a man is locked in a "possessed" meat locker.  Before he meets his ultimate demise (he gets a hook to the eye socket; this review is beginning to sound like a Cannibal Corpse song), the cuts of cow...um, beat him up, if you'll forgive the tortured syntax.  I had to laugh.  It was one of the few bright spots in what is regarded as one of the last decent Fulci films.  I'm not sure that's saying much, mind you.  It was one of the last Fulci films period.  The threadbare story follows a Canadian archeological dig in Italy.  Try to stay with me.  Pick-axes penetrate the earth to reveal the desiccated remains of five nuns.  A prologue penetrates the film to reveal the agonizing crucifixions of said nuns.  That's pretty much it.  I mean, that wasn't a plot summary; that was the plot.

Hey, I'm always up for a little nunsploitation.  Admittedly, I'm not well-versed in this subgenre, but I do enjoy it.  Unfortunately, Demonia doesn't seem to want to be enjoyed.  The death sequences are there.  The exaggerated gore reminds you that you're watching a studied professional at work.  Alas, aside from a dude being ripped in half (!), this doesn't feel like a Fulci feature.  The vibe is off, man.  Where is the blustery, oppressive atmosphere of The Beyond and City of the Living Dead?  I would say that I'm being harsh, but Fulci agreed with me.  He disowned Demonia before it was even released.  I'm glad I stuck through it, though.  It has its moments, and I'm a bit of a completionist anyway when it comes to Italian horror.  Recommended to fans of The Convent and Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit.

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