
THE Ghost Dance

Yesterday, I watched 1983's Ghost Dance with a good friend of mine.  We enjoyed ourselves at the expense of the movie, and to be honest, my recollections aren't "concrete" enough to write a thorough Blood Capsule.  We were just chatting for half of the running time.  We gabbed about important things, mind you...y'know, politics, current events, Kenner's line of Alien toys.  My friend - we'll call him Bobby - made a good point.  There haven't been any cool Native American genre films in decades.  Stuff like Scalps, The Manitou, Demon Warrior, and 33% of Creepshow II. Perhaps the modern zeitgeist would consider these properties to be racially insensitive.  But think of the potential of, say, a horror-centric version of The Indian in the Cupboard.  How sick would that be???

For those curious, Ghost Dance is rather uneventful.  Probably 2.5 Z'Dars.  Tune in tomorrow to read my thoughts on 1995's Not of This Earth!

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