
The Lost Day

Obviously, I didn't post anything yesterday. I take pride in being able to update this site on a daily basis, but last night, my body shut down. I was just sapped. My apologies to anyone who visits RR Inc. and looks forward to seeing something new every day. I'm back on track...with a word of warning. Don't rent The Lost Tribe.

If this looks like a blatant ripoff of Predator, that's because it is one. The creatures (described as "the ultimate predators") are jungle-dwelling troglodytes who can blend into their background. They collect trophies, they champion the growth of dreadlocks and they have a thing for spinal columns. I could write a novel about this flick (if you're in dire need of shits and giggles, read up on its maculate production history), but I'd rather write a much-delayed edition of Vanity Scare.

PS-The Lost Tribe "stars" Lance Henriksen. Oh, Lance. It doesn't have to be this way!

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